Never ones to miss an opportunity, it appears that virus writers are capitalising on the aftermath of Katrina. Under the guise of a bulletin offering updates on the disaster, you're taken to a web site which passes a virus on to your PC. You have been warned! PS, Why is it that mankind is so quick to use the fallout from disasters as a means of doing further harm? Anyone looking in from the outside must be thinking: What a sick species! Stay away from planet Earth!!!
I've watched with a mixture of horror and amazement the events in and around New Orleans in the last week. It is painful to see so many people left stranded and homeless. And it was equally painful to watch President Bush not coming across very well in interviews following on from this disaster as his administration looks for a solution to the devastation left in Katrina's wake. I really feel for the victims and survivors of this event and wish that every one can recover some of what has been...
As London is once again subjected to a terror attack - which failed and makes the terrorists look not so much frightening as foolish (though let's never forget they remain a threat) - I wonder about the UK Government's proposed Identity Card scheme. Can such a scheme really serve to prevent this sort of attack? Well, I don't believe it can. Especially as it seems that this latest wave of terror is being perpetrated by UK Citizens, born and bred. Or will there be a box for us to check when ...
The news here is not so good as it was yesterday. The first thought of I and my colleagues on hearing the news from London today was: "Bloody hell, I knew the French would be hacked off at losing the Olympics but this is going a bit far." I know, I know, not politically correct by any means and terribly offensive to our friends across the channel. So, my heartfelt apologies. However, people do seem to have a rather perverse defence mechanism which looks for some humour or distraction in th...
I guess congratulations are due to the people of London and those responsible for securing the right to host the Olympic games in 2012. It's good that they have managed to pull of this coup especially as Paris looked like the favourite for so long. However, I take issue with one of their selling points - that this will be a benefit to the whole of the UK. I'm not sure where the benefit to the rest of the nation lies either in the proposed regeneration of part of London or in the fact that ...
I know I won't be the first to say it, but Bono, Sir Bob Geldof, Midge Ure, and all the other organisers and performers who made the Live8 shows this weekend such a success deserve serious respect! Though I only saw the event on tv, it came across as a resounding success and can only help to spread the message about cancellation of debt and making poverty history. I hope the leaders of the G8 countries have been listening. Apart from the message, it was great to see so many artists perform...