Comments, reviews and articles on life as viewed from an island off the West Coast of Scotland.
Who really benefits?
Published on July 7, 2005 By AlexMatheson In Current Events
I guess congratulations are due to the people of London and those responsible for securing the right to host the Olympic games in 2012. It's good that they have managed to pull of this coup especially as Paris looked like the favourite for so long. However, I take issue with one of their selling points - that this will be a benefit to the whole of the UK.

I'm not sure where the benefit to the rest of the nation lies either in the proposed regeneration of part of London or in the fact that now "everyone" in the UK can attend. London has already received masses of "regeneration" money for the likes of the Millennium Dome and we in the remote islands of the UK have still to see any benefit from that. How can it ever benefit the country if all the money goes to London whilst local schools, community halls, roads, hospitals and other essential buildings and services are left to decay? How does the promotion of London benefit the tourist economy in the Western Isles or the Isle of Mann? The millions of pounds to be spent on London, let alone the money spent on winning this contest, could have been spent to real benefit all around the country. Not to mention the affect this money could have on World Aid!!!

Also, so what if we see David Beckham on TV saying how great it is to have the Olympics in London as he and his family will be able to attend! Let's face it, supposing the Olympics were held on the Moon, he would still be able to afford to fly his family there - it's not as if he's short of a bob or two. There are millions of people in the UK who cannot afford to attend the Olympics - it is not cheap travelling to London and it certainly is not cheap to stay there! I'd love to be able to take my two kids to the Olympics or indeed to any of the major events that London and the like have a monopoly on hosting but I just can't afford it.

And where will all the people who do make it to London for the event be spending their money? Let me think, mmm, I guess that would be ... London!!!

So, as I said I guess congratulations are due but who will really benefit?

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